This is Hasan Mahmud. Working as Public Relations Officer of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy. Living at Dhaka in Bangladesh. I completed masters Degree on Statistics from Jagannath University. I’m Extrovert in Nature and like to take challenge. Interested in technology. Want to be a entrepreneur.
Former General Secretary and Executive President of Prothom Alo Bondhuhsava. Central Committee Member of Bangladesh Udichi ShilpiGosthi. Also Founder Convener of Jagannath University IT Society.
Former Vice-President of Jagannath University Film Society, Join Secretary of Jagannath University Debating Society, Vice-President of Udichi Jagannath University. President of Jagannath University Open Source Network.
Successfully completed 21 days International training on `Young Feminist Leadership’ and 7 days Training of Trainers (ToT) from Global Platform Bangladesh.
Experience of working as a artist in advertisement of BBC Janala, Participated several TV show in ATN NEWS and Channel I. Participated in several National Debate Championship both in Bangla and English, Participated in a 3 days international startup weekend.
Have knowledge on Social Media, Graphics Design and Web Development. Writing articles in newspaper and magazine.
My hobby is to Watch Movie and listening song. Also Practicing violin and reciting Poem.
We believe in gender equality At national Bondhu Somabesh